It’s a wonderful Wednesday at Nana’s Place. In a world where so many men are escaping their daddy role, it is not ok for you (mom) to decide a man who wants to be a daddy can’t simply because you said so! Being with you does not mean he’s a daddy just as well as being without you mean he can’t parent his child. And it is true he may not hold up to your standards of what a daddy should look like however YOU CHOSE THAT MAN don’t punish the child now by saying he’s this and that or not this and that. WE want to give a big Shoot-out to those dads who are parenting their child as well as those who want to parent and are not being allowed. You are not hurting that man as much as you are hurting that child. (We are not talking about the abusive dad, kidnapping dad, dangerous dad, etc)
by myphoenixweb | May 7, 2014 | Nanas Blog